Water Taxi from Orebic to Korcula

Getting by water taxi (taxi boat) from Orebic (Peljesac) to Korcula town takes about 10 minutes.

It is a 1.85 nautical miles long journey.

The cost per person is 50 HRK (about 7 Euro)

The max number of people per water taxi is 20.

The fare is per person, not per vessel.

Orebic to Korcula water taxi telephone number:

+385 91 444 8886

A speedy ride from Orebic to Korcula

A speedy ride from Orebic to Korcula


Photo of the ride:

Views over Korcula Old Town on route to Orebic

Views over Korcula Old Town on route to Orebic


Map of a water taxi ride from Orebic to Korcula.