Taxi from Pupnatska Luka Beach to Cara and Zavalatica
- Getting by taxi from Pupnatska Luka to Cara and Zavalatica takes about 30 minutes.
- It is about 20 km long route
- The cost per ride is 35 Euro
- The taxi price is per car not per person.
- The max number of people per car is up to 9 persons
- For a return ride, you can get a small discount if you book it in advance
- see photos, video, and a map of the ride below
Taxi telephone number:
+385 (0) 95 827 7319
Photos of the ride:
Photo: Road from Pupnatska Luka toward Cara
Photo: Road approaching Cara on Korcula Island
Photo: Driving through Cara village
Photo: Olive Grove along the road
Photo: Vineyards of white wine Pošip, along the road in Smokvisko-Carsko field near Čara village
Photo: Arrival in Zavalatica
Photo: Boats in the port
Photo: Small harbor in Zavalatica
Photo: Zavalatica, bay center
Video of the ride:
A taxi ride from Pupnatska Luka Beach to Cara and Zavalatica on the Island of Korcula. The video is a full length of the taxi ride and lasts 27 minutes.
Map of the ride:
See a large map of the ride here
Call us now @ Taxi Telephone number: +385 (0) 95 827 7319